

The Project

The primary mission of the RIAK E-racing team is to develop an avenue to encourage female riders into racing via a route that is devoid of ego, jargon and arbitrary barriers to entry.

E-racing is incredibly accessible for many reasons but primarily because it is so easy to give it a go. There is no 2-hour drive home and no risk of crashes. You can simply hop off the bike and think no more about it!

We decided to embark on this project because during COVID, we sought competition for our female athletes but discovered there was a real dearth of women’s races and a distinct lack of competition in the few races there were. This annoyed us because there was no issue getting our male athletes racing. So we decided to try and do something about it!

The Team

We are providing full coaching support to six carefully chosen riders as they build towards and compete in the winter E-racing season. We have chose riders whose backgrounds and experience levels we hope will demonstrate that it doesn’t matter who you are or how confident you are, you can have fun and enjoy competition at any level.

Whilst we only have the coaching capacity to support 6 riders full time, anyone can join the team and get racing with our supported riders. See the ‘Join Us’ section below to discover how you can train and race with the team.

The 2022/2023 Season

We could not be more proud of the team in their inaugural E-racing season. They have absolutely dominated the standings in the two series we have competed in on Wahoo RGT.

This Season

virtual cycling events

Our primary focus this season is the Women’s Super Cup, which we have worked with The Online Events Company to create.  The goal is for it to become THE preeminent women’s e-racing event. It will be a complete festival of virtual racing, held on IndieVelo in January 2024.  There will be a broad array of races that should provide a level of competition whatever a rider’s level.

As we build towards the Women’s Super Cup, we will be competing on IndieVelo every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm.

We will compete in The TOEC Winter Race Series and the Westerley VR series, which alternate each week.

The TOEC Winter Race Series is a particular focus because it has separate men’s and women’s races.

Why not come race with us?!

Join Us

Joining the team as an uncoached member is simple:

1) Join the RIAK Racing Team Forum on Facebook to be able to communicate with the team and find out when we are racing next (see button below);

2) If you don’t already have one, create yourself a free IndieVelo account;

3) Request to join the RIAK Racing team in IndieVelo via the profile area; and

4) Get training using our free beginner’s 12-week E-racing plan if you wish (see button below).

Our only requirement of course is that you are a female rider!